University of Georgia: Khemia Ensemble
Brittany Faith Photography
Stress, overcommitment, not enough time in the day…sound familiar? This session will dissect burnout and introduce ways to establish systems, routines, and boundaries that can bring new perspectives to more mindful and sustainable careers.
earspace ensemble performs Hans Abrahamsen’s “Schnee”
The fragile, crystalline sound world of Danish composer Hans Abrahamsen's Schnee (“Snow”) must be heard in person to appreciate this work’s bewitching beauty – as pure as the driven snow. Schnee, well on its way to achieving iconic status as an early-21st-century masterpiece, will be given its Columbia premiere by the extraordinary earspace, a group of ten exemplary young artists including USC flute graduate Philip Snyder. The work will be introduced in an interactive presentation by USC professor and public music theory pioneer J. Daniel Jenkins.
Thirteen piece big band conducted by Jens Lindeman with Annie Jeng performing Rhapsody in Blue. Canadian trumpeter Jens Lindemann commissioned a new arrangement of George Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue, which will mark it centenary on 2/24/2024.
Thirteen piece big band conducted by Jens Lindeman with Annie Jeng performing Rhapsody in Blue. Canadian trumpeter Jens Lindemann commissioned a new arrangement of George Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue, which will mark it centenary on 2/24/2024.
Thirteen piece big band conducted by Jens Lindeman with Annie Jeng performing Rhapsody in Blue. Canadian trumpeter Jens Lindemann commissioned a new arrangement of George Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue, which will mark it centenary on 2/24/2024.
More Info and Tickets here: https://vpa.uncg.edu/music/degrees-and-programs/special-programs/collage/
Thirteen piece big band conducted by Jens Lindeman with Annie Jeng performing Rhapsody in Blue. Canadian trumpeter Jens Lindemann commissioned a new arrangement of George Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue, which will mark it centenary on 2/24/2024.
More Info and Tickets here: https://albertleacivicmusic.com/event/rhapsody-the-blues/
Thirteen piece big band conducted by Jens Lindeman with Annie Jeng performing Rhapsody in Blue. Canadian trumpeter Jens Lindemann commissioned a new arrangement of George Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue, which will mark it centenary on 2/24/2024.
More Info and Tickets here: https://algonaradio.com/event/kossuth-county-concert-series-rhapsody-and-the-blues/2024-10-19/2/
Thirteen piece big band conducted by Jens Lindeman with Annie Jeng performing Rhapsody in Blue. Canadian trumpeter Jens Lindemann commissioned a new arrangement of George Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue, which will mark it centenary on 2/24/2024.
More Info and Tickets here: https://algonaradio.com/event/kossuth-county-concert-series-rhapsody-and-the-blues/2024-10-19/1/
Thirteen piece big band conducted by Jens Lindeman with Annie Jeng performing Rhapsody in Blue. Canadian trumpeter Jens Lindemann commissioned a new arrangement of George Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue, which will mark it centenary on 2/24/2024.
More Info and Tickets here: https://prod5.agileticketing.net/WebSales/pages/info.aspx?evtinfo=431008~85e42365-7098-45a3-9825-c88085376f3e&epguid=1a7c180d-b19d-47fc-b4b8-93d644b5c06f&
Sunday, June 23 - “Inner Dialogues” Solo Show presented by Trillium Salon Series
Monday, June 24th - “Missed Connections” Subset Groups, presented by Fayetteville Public Library
Wednesday, June 26th - “Stillness/MOVEMENT” presented by Fayetteville Public Library
Kurt Tseng, viola
Isabelle Zeledon, voice
Annie Jeng, piano
“On the Sparrow” Concert Fantasy for Viola and Piano by Steve Landis
Scott Rawls, viola
Annie Jeng, piano
Lightning Talk Presenter - "Infinite Games of Music: Avoiding Burnout and Embracing Process"